Monday, April 29, 2024

Queen Victoria Birding: Panama Canal Transit

 Queen Victoria transited the Panama Canal on the 27th January. This was the fourth time I had passed through the canal, but it was the first where it was a wholly daytime transit. For many onboard this was one of the highlights of trip. As for me, I was hoping for a little birding action as we sailed from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific as well as enjoying the sights of the canal. Very pleased to pick up a couple of new raptors in the guise of Short-tailed Hawk and Savannah Hawk. Also 100s of unidentified distant raptors on the move over the nearby hillsides. Other birds that I expected to see, Red-lored Parrots were rather common, Both Black and Turkey Vultures were numerous, along with several Ospreys. As we approached to Pacific side of the canal, we had quite a few Magnificent Frigatebirds. Other highlights were a small band of White-nosed Coatis on the canal bankside and a single American Crocodile near Miraflores Lock. All images below taken on the 27th January 2024

White-nosed Coatis

Short-tailed Hawk

Savannah Hawk

Red-lored Parrots

Raptor Passage

Gatun Lock


Magnificent Frigatebird

Black Vulture

Black Vulture

American Crocodile


Steve C

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