Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Birding in New York City: Central Park (25-31 Jul 24)

In July Mrs T and I flew to New York where we spent six nights in the ‘Big Apple’. Central Park was inevitably a must visit location in addition to the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Broadway show, etc. The most productive visit was on the Sunday when we participated in the ‘Birding Bob’ morning birdwatching walk that concentrated within the wooded ‘Rambles’ area of the park. Bob was abroad so the walk was led by Sharon. Although it was only the very start of the autumn migration period a few migrant species (American Yellow Warbler, Red-eyed Vireo and Scarlet Tanager) were observed. Surprisingly we dipped on Carolina Wren despite the occasional use of an audio lure; however, I had previously connected with the species in Charleston, South Carolina with fellow Amigo Steve whilst serving on HMS PROTECTOR during a maintenance period.


Scarlet Tanager (female), Central Park – 28 Jul 24

Northern Cardinal (male), Central Park – 26 Jul 24

Eastern Kingbird, Central Park – 28 Jul 24

For me, the smartest bird was the Black and White Warbler, the first self-found, that looked stunning even within the shaded understorey of the woodland.

Blue Jay, Central Park – 28 Jul 24

Great Blue Heron – 28 Jul 24

Wood Thrush - 28 Jul 24

The four visits resulted in a total species list of 35 that included 15 lifers (bold text).

·        American Herring Gull

·       American Redstart (male and female)

·        American Robin

·        American Yellow Warbler (2 singles)

·        Baltimore Oriole (several)

·        Barn Swallow

·        Black-and-White Warbler (2 singles)

·        Blue Jay

·        Canada Goose

·        Chimney Swift

·        Common Grackle

·        Double-crested Cormorant

·        Downy Woodpecker (2)

·        Eastern Kingbird (1)

·        Feral Pigeon

·        Great Blue Heron

·        Great White Egret

·        Grey Catbird

·        House Finch

·        House Sparrow (everywhere)

·        Laughing Gull

·        Mallard

·        Mourning Dove

·        Northern Cardinal

·        Northern Flicker (1)

·        Northern Parula (1)

·        Northern Waterthrush (1)

·        Red-bellied Woodpecker (2)

·        Red-eyed Vireo – several

·        Red-tailed Hawk (2 singles)

·        Red-winged Blackbird

·        Scarlet Tanager (female)

·        Snowy Egret

·        Starling

·        Wood Thrush (1)


Central Park – 25 Jul 24

Good birding,

 Tony T   BSc (Hons) GeoSci (Open)

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