Saturday, April 6, 2024

Gibraltar Intro: Migration, ringing and day trips to Spain

On Wednesday I returned from my second trip to Gibraltar this year ,where fellow Amigo Mark Cutts has spent three months as ‘Ringer in charge’ at Jews’ Gate Bird Observatory. The first was in February when I enjoyed wall to wall sunshine throughout. In contrast, the weather for my most recent visit was extremely variable, and I was present for a few days of what was the wettest week in Gibraltar for fifty years. The rain was desperately needed in the region, and no doubt both periods of weather reflected the impact of the ten successive global warmest months on record. Despite the extremes of weather, I thoroughly enjoyed my visits that I’ll document over the next few weeks.


Hoopoe, Jews’ Gate Bird Observatory, Gibraltar – 16 Feb 24

Northern Bald Ibis, Barbate, Spain – 20 Feb 24

Jews’ Gate Bird Observatory, Gibraltar – 27 Mar 24

Jews’ Gate Bird Observatory, Gibraltar (48 hours of torrential rain) – 30 Mar 24

Woodchat Shrike, Jews’ Gate Bird Observatory, Gibraltar – 3 Apr 24

Short-toed Snake-eagle, Gibraltar – 29 Mar 24

White Stork, Bay of Gibraltar – 28 Mar 24

Savi's Warbler, Brazo del Este, Spain - 1 Apr 24 (courtesy of Steve Morgan)

Good birding,

Tony T   BSc (Hons) GeoSci (Open)

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