Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Queen Victoria Birding: Introduction

 From January 11th to March 4th, I spent 53 nights on board the cruise ship MV Queen Victoria with my good lady on a half world voyage from Southampton to Sydney. I was looking forward to the whole cruise, but as you would imagine, certain parts for me at least were being looked forward to just that bit more. The Panama Canal was to be one of these. Even though I'd transited through it three times before, this would be my first full daylight passage. Another was the passage from the Panama Canal up the side of Central America towards San Francisco. An area of ocean I had never sailed in before. Lastly was the South Pacific, again a new patch of water for me, but my main focus would be the birds on offer in that part of the world. Glad to report I would not be disappointed. I will post (relatively) regular updates over the next few weeks/months on the trip from start to finish. 

Black Vulture, Panama

Black-vented Shearwater, Eastern Pacific

Buff-banded Rail, Samoa

Common Dolphins, Central Pacific

Green Iguana, Aruba

Green Turtle, Eastern Pacific

White-capped Albatross, New Zealand

Steve C

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