Thursday, April 18, 2024

Queen Victoria Birding: Florida, Masked Booby and Black Skimmer

 The Atlantic crossing was extremely quiet, so the less said about that the better. A few Kittiwakes and a single Golden Plover which did a lap of the ship being the highlights. Florida was a little more rewarding. The first Masked Booby of the trip was seen off the coast on the 20th of January and a stop in Cocoa Beach on the 21st allowed some decent views of the more common birds to be found along Cocoa Beach itself. 

Masked Booby, Western Atlantic, 20 Jan 2024

American Herring Gull, Cocoa Beach, 21 Jan 2024

Black Skimmer, Cocoa Beach, 21 Jan 2024

Black Skimmer, Cocoa Beach, 21 Jan 2024

Bonaparte's Gull, Cocoa Beach Harbour, 21 Jan 2024

Cabot's Terns, Cocoa Beach, 21 Jan 2024

Laughing Gull, Cocoa Beach, 21 Jan 2024

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Cocoa Beach, 21 Jan 2024

Northern Mockingbird, Cocoa Beach Town, 21 Jan 2024

Royal Terns, Cocoa Beach, 21 Jan 2024

Steve C

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