Saturday, May 25, 2024

Queen Victoria Birding: Additional Eastern Pacific Highlights, Albatrosses and Poms

 Just a few of the remaining highlights as we transited north along the Central American coast en route to San Francisco.  Four Pomarine Skuas on the 1st Feb  were a good to see, two of the four having their spoons. Around 70 Cassin's Auklets made the list on the 5th. Pretty much spread out across the day. most views were of birds pattering away form the ship as we approached them. As we headed towards Californian water, Black-footed and Laysan Albatross made their way onto the trip list. Neither of the birds came overly close to the ship which was a shame. As we passed by Cabo San Lucas on the tip of the Baja California , we had decent if a little distant views of several Humpback Whales. One which breeched several times as we sailed past. Cuvier's Beaked Whale were seen on the 1st and the 4th. The latter being a prime example of the species, colour wise, the firmer I am not as confident with. Common and Long-snouted Spinner Dolphins were also seen on a number of occasions.  

Pomarine Skuas, 1st Feb 2024

Pomarine Skua, 1 Feb 2024

Cassin's Auklet, 4th Feb 2024

Black-footed Albatross, 4th Feb 2024

Laysan Albatross, 5th Feb 2024

Humpback Whale, 3rd Feb 2024

Humpback Whales, 3rd Feb 2024

Humpback Whale, 3rd Feb 2024

Cuvier's Beaked Whale, 4th Feb 2024

Probable Cuvier's 1st Feb 2024

Common Dolphin, 5th Feb 2024

Common Dolphins, 5th Feb 2024

Long-snouted Spinner Dolphins, 3rd Feb 2024

Steve C

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