Thursday, May 23, 2024

Queen Victoria Birding: Red-necked and Grey Phalaropes in the Eastern Pacific

 We enjoyed good numbers of Phalaropes around the ship during the first few days of February. I had picked up the odd bird here and then since our exit from the Panama Canal, but from the 1st of February onwards we enjoyed flock after flock, with some of these numbering 100s of birds. They did not seem too keen on coming overly close to the ship, so most were marked down as Phalarope sp. However, fortunately a few did come near and I was able to identify the species. The majority were Red-necked with smaller number of Grey [Red in the USA] in among. I did check the photographs, hoping to pick up a Wilson's but none were to be found.

Typical distant Phalarope flock, Eastern Pacific, Feb 24

Red-necked and Grey, Eastern Pacific, Feb 24

Red-necked and Grey, Eastern Pacific, Feb 24

Red-necked and Grey, Eastern Pacific, Feb 24

Red-necked, Eastern Pacific, Feb 24

Red-necked, Eastern Pacific, Feb 24

Red-necked , Eastern Pacific, Feb 24

Steve C

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