Saturday, June 29, 2024

Gibraltar birding: Northern Bald Ibis at La Barca de Vejer, Spain

During our day trip into Spain Steve Morgan and I spent much of the morning birding the inland lagoons at Barbate. Northern Bald Ibis (critically endangered) can often be observed feeding in the area, but we had no luck connecting with the species until we had virtually rejoined the main coastal road, when six were spotted feeding in a small grassy field adjacent to the track (image of one in previous Blog entry). 

Although we were guaranteed seeing the species at our next destination, the breeding colony at La Barca de Vejer, I had no appreciation of just how close to the passing traffic of a busy main road the occupied nests actually were. The lower ledge was literally hidden from view when a coach or lorry drove past. During our visit to the observation area, that comprised of a shelter set back from the road opposite the cliff face with an information board, birds regularly came and went. With well over thirty birds observed, and many occupied nests present, the reintroduction programme would appear to be doing well.

Northern Bald Ibis, La Barca de Vejer – 20 Feb 24 [photographed by Steve Morgan]

Northern Bald Ibis, La Barca de Vejer – 20 Feb 24 [photographed by Steve Morgan]

Northern Bald Ibis, La Barca de Vejer – 20 Feb 24 [photographed by Steve Morgan]

Northern Bald Ibis, La Barca de Vejer – 20 Feb 24 [photographed by Steve Morgan]

After lunch we drove on first to La Janda and then to the hills above Bolonia before heading back to Gibraltar. Many thanks to Steve Morgan for a thoroughly enjoyable day and dropping me off at Mamma Mia’s where I met back up with Slasher and Lee L, who had flown in from the UK earlier in the day, for pizza.

Good birding,

Tony T   BSc (Hons) GeoSci (Open)

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Gibraltar birding: Northern Bald Ibis at La Barca de Vejer, Spain

During our day trip into Spain Steve Morgan and I spent much of the morning birding the inland lagoons at Barbate. Northern Bald Ibis (criti...