Sunday, July 7, 2024

Mothing on the Isle of Islay May 24 (& Jul 23)

During both my two short stays on Islay (July 23 and May 24) I operated a 40W Actinic Moth Trap in the back garden of the B&B whenever the weather allowed. My effort was rewarded with a ‘lifer’ during my first stay on the island – Dotted Clay. I recorded a total of six from the two nights I was able to operate the trap last year. Other highlights from July 23 included Lempke’s Gold Spot, Flame Carpet, Rosy Minor, Six-striped Rustic, Burnished Brass, Barred Straw, True Lover’s Knot, Small Wainscot and Coxcomb Prominent.


Lempke’s Gold Spot, Gruinart, Islay – 24 Jul 23

Dotted Clay, Gruinart, Islay – 24 Jul 23

Flame Carpet, Gruinart, Islay – 24 Jul 23

Rosy Minor, Gruinart, Islay – 24 Jul 23

Six-striped Rustic, Gruinart, Islay – 24 Jul 23

Burnished Brass, Gruinart, Islay – 27 Jul 23

Highlights from May this year included Poplar Hawk-moth, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, Water Carpet, Powdered Quaker and Sandy Carpet.

Sandy Carpet, Gruinart, Islay – 14 May 24

Water Carpet, Gruinart, Islay – 14 May 24

Powdered Quaker, Gruinart, Islay – 15 May 24

Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, Gruinart, Islay – 16 May 24

After both visits, I provided the B&B owners Jack and Catherine with a copy of my records which were also provided to the staff at RSPB Loch Gruinart nearby.

Good mothing,

Tony T   BSc (Hons) GeoSci (Open)

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