Monday, July 8, 2024

Queen Victoria Birding: good birding at Colo-I-Suva, Fiji

 The ship called in at Suva, Fiji on the 22 February. Myself and John jumped ship as early as we could, and jumped into a taxi bound for Colo-I-Suva Forest Reserve, approximately 12 Km north of the capital. We knew we would have a few hours before the heat would be too intense. As we bought our passes we were offered the services of a local bird guide. This made great sense and without doubt made the visit that much more successful. We knew birding in the actual rainforest would be tough as it always is.  Fortunately our guide knew where we would catch up with most of our target species and we were not disappointed. The birds came in thick and fast for the next two hours. Masked Shining Parrot, Peale's Imperial (Barking) Pigeon and Pacific Kingfisher were soon on the list.

Masked Shining Parrot, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Masked Shining Parrot, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Pacific Kingfisher, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Peale's Imperial Pigeon, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Peale's Imperial Pigeon, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

We then walked around a small hamlet, quite near the main entrance to the forest. Here we picked up a female Golden Dove, shame it wasn't the male. A Many-coloured Fruit Dove, another female and a pair of  Vanikoro Flycatchers. High up in some nearby tress we had a small flock of Collard Lorys, the national bird of Fiji. In my opinion we saved the best bird till last. An Orange-breasted Myzomela showing well in a patch of scrub. In the afternoon I also connected with Fiji Goshawk over the capital, not once but twice. Probably the same male that is on territory at Albert Park. All in all a very successful visit.

Collared Lorys, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Golden Dove, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Many-coloured Fruit Dove, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Orange-breasted Myzomela, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Orange-breasted Myzomela, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Vanikoro Flycatcher, Colo-I-Suva, 22 Feb 2024

Steve C

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