Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Black-capped Chickadee and Hairy Woodpecker at Niagara State Park


The primary objective of the 3-day road trip was to visit Niagara Falls and tick off another item from our ‘Bucket List’. Consequently, we were up early on 1 Aug 24 to drive the remaining distance from Manchester and ensure we arrived there before the crowds. It was a very enjoyable day and the boat trip on ‘The Maid of the Mist’ was well worth the money. The visit also added a few more species to the Trip List, that included Hairy Woodpecker that I had dipped on in Central Park. Both the Hairy Woodpecker and Black-capped Chickadee were ‘lifers’. I also had far better views of Baltimore Oriole with a pair of birds feeding in a tree, oblivious to the pedestrians walking past nearby. I also had what I believe to be a female Scarlet Tanager (see image below) during a full loop of Goat Island (that included Three Sisters Islands).

Black-capped Chickadee, Niagara State Park, Goat Island – 1 Aug 24

Hairy Woodpecker, Niagara State Park, Goat Island – 1 Aug 24

Baltimore Oriole (male), Niagara State Park, Goat Island – 1 Aug 24

Baltimore Oriole (female), Niagara State Park, Goat Island – 1 Aug 24


Presumed Scarlet Tanager (female), Niagara State Park, Goat Island – 1 Aug 24


Great Crested Flycatcher, Niagara State Park, Goat Island – 1 Aug 24

Spotted Sandpiper, Niagara State Park, Goat Island – 1 Aug 24

A total of 21 species were seen that included an additional 2 ‘lifers’ (bold text).

·        American Herring Gull

·        American Robin

·        American Yellow Warbler

·        Baltimore Oriole (pair)

·        Barn Swallow

·        Black-capped Chickadee (2 singles)

·        Canada Goose

·        Chimney Swift

·        Double-crested Cormorant

·        Great Crested Flycatcher (1)

·        Great White Egret (1 – Three Sisters Islands)

·        Hairy Woodpecker (2)

·        House Sparrow

·        Mallard

·        Northern Cardinal (pair + 2 juveniles)

·        Red-eyed Vireo (3)

·        Red-winged Blackbird (40+)

·        Ring-billed Gull

·        Scarlet Tanager (female)

·        Spotted Sandpiper (1 – Three Sisters Islands)

·        Starling

Niagara Falls (Horseshoe Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and American Falls) – 1 Aug 24

Good birding,

Tony T   BSc (Hons) GeoSci (Open)

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