Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Juvenile Bald Eagle at the Interstate 80 Delaware Water Gap Observation Point, USA

After enjoying the delights of New York City, Mrs T and I picked up a hire car and relocated to Manchester (South of Rochester) within striking distance of the Niagara Falls. The very pleasant six-hour drive took us through the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania before we returned to New York State. As we travelled westbound along the I-80 we saw signs for the Delaware Water Gap Observation point and decided to check it out. Unfortunately, the view from the almost deserted car park at the top of a windy access road was obscured by trees. Neither could we see any signs or obvious well-trodden paths indicating the way to an observation point. However, several raptors were soaring overhead, and as I got my camera out of the boot a large raptor circled much lower over the car park before it disappeared out of view behind the trees. The record images clearly showed that it was an eagle, and at our motel I later confirmed that it was in fact a juvenile Bald Eagle – ‘a lifer’.

Bald Eagle (immature) – 31 Jul 24

Bald Eagle (immature) – 31 Jul 24

Giving up on the observation point we rejoined the I-80 and we soon found ourselves driving beside a narrow fast-flowing Delaware River that forms the boundary between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The river and surrounding scenery looked stunning even from the car and it was a shame we dipped on seeing the spectacle from the observation point.

Good birding,

Tony T   BSc (Hons) GeoSci (Open)

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